Semester Exam

This was our first semester exam in ninth grade one year ago. It was a very simple but very fun project. at first i totally hated it but as we keep working on it, it became a lot funner. We just needed to take a white cardboard and make a certain number of lines with a black pen. Every thing we did in this project was according to the rubrics. Then as we formed shapes we needed to color a certain number of spaces just black, if my memory doesn't fails i think you needed to paint an odd number of black spaces. In the first partial we learned three different types of techniques for shading and we needed to feel the rest of the spaces with this techniques and we also needed to combine colors to give the project a more professional effect. 
As I said before this was a little annoying at first but then the project ended up really fun. I inspired myself when i was like half way done and i got really exited of how was it looking and then i put a lot more effort on it. I liked this project a lot but I think it is a project that I'll never repeat in my whole life. I liked a lot how we organized ourselves with the rubrics and i wouldn't change that for the next time. Although ninth grade was very fun I think projects in tenth grade have been much funner but im going to miss our first art classes.